The Fifth Pentacle of Mars In the old lore, the person wishing to use the magic powers of the seal, was instructed to draw the Pentacle on a piece of virgin parchment. The Demons (evil spirits) were said to be completely subdued by the sight of the Pentacle.
The Hebrew word HVL (HEVEL), which literally means "breath", here takes the meaning of "terror", as the evil forces are terrorized by the sight of this seal. The versicle on the seal is from the Psalm 91:13: "Thou shalt tread upon the lion and asp; the young lion and the serpent shalt thou trample under feet".
This seal is also recommended for soldiers and warriors, as it strengthens the spirit and protect against all enemy weapons.
Psalm 91 is a prayer of invocation for this seal, as is Mark 16:15-18
This talisman will be hand-crafted AFTER the order is placed. No stocks are kept, and every talisman is created with the person who ordered it in mind.
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Well made
Some look fake. These look like they were special.
5th pentacle mars
I got the seal as i bond with it it aided me shows me what to do and keeps negativity as well as people and situations i don't need away from me.