Mark R. story

Mark R. story

2018 Oct 11th

Sometimes we ask our customers to share their stories or experience with talismans. Here is a story of Mark R. Mark lives in Florida.

… In the last seven years I collected more than twelve talismans. With time I lost interest or connection with some of them, while my attachment to a few select ones have only grown stronger. In the last three years since big changes in my life occurred, I have turned exclusively to King Solomon Seals (or Pentacles as some would prefer to call them). I am currently protected by four of them. I am quite certain I will acquire more, but I am patient in my progress towards the next one.

My strong attachment to the Seals is due to the fact I find them to be real Helpers. Not only wearing them during fateful days decided the outcome for the better - many times in the past three years, but I found the focus and determination they brought to my inner self in a way, an even stronger attraction. I never thought the Seals will act as a snap magic, just reversing all evil effect in my personal life, business interactions or relationships. I would never put them on in the morning in the same distracted manner I put on my socks. I always spend some time with the Seal before I put it in my neck or in my breast pocket. I contemplate the writing on the Seal while thinking of the particular strength or protective cloud that I ask him to extend towards me. I am also certain in my mind the Seal is a tool - intermediary - focal point, which brings this force onto me from above.

Not once I found this short morning pause to contemplate the Seal (or Seals, though I rarely carry two of them on the same day) to fill my soul with an unusual strength. I would call it forceful serenity. Amazingly, each of my four Seal brings a different feel to this serenity. I cannot describe this in words, but the feeling is extraordinary.

It took me at least a year to arrive at this kind of connection to my Seals but I still consider myself to be mid-way; still on the path to creating even deeper attachment. As well, I am nurturing a slowly growing connection to my future fifth Seal.