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Carnelian - Meaning

Carnelian is a vibrant orange-red variety of Chalcedony. Its name may have originated from the Latin words cornu (horn), cornum (cherry), or carnis (flesh or meat). This striking gemstone is associated with the Sun, absorbing its warmth and radiance to reflect a fiery glow. Carnelian is also a stone of truth, faith, and love, believed to protect the life and family of its wearer. The ancient Egyptians poetically described it as a "sunset enclosed in stone."

Carnelian talisman

Carnelian - Talismans & Amulets

Here’s what Goethe wrote about Carnelian in his poem Pledges of Blessing from West-Eastern Diwan, Book of the Singer:

Carnelian is a talisman.
It brings good luck to child and man;
It drives away all evil things,
To thee and thine protection brings.
From such a gem a woman gains
Sweet hope and comfort in her pains

Astrology considers Carnelian a powerful love talisman that enhances mood and ignites passion. It is also believed to offer strong protection against the "evil eye," sorcery, and negative influences. Carnelian is thought to dispel black magic, shield against astral attacks, instill courage, prevent conflicts, protect from lightning, and safeguard privacy. Healers say its energies are especially potent in August.

Carnelian - Healing Properties

In the Middle Ages, Carnelian was categorized by gender—red-brown was considered male, while pinkish-orange was deemed female. During this time, lapidaries (books on the medicinal properties of stones) claimed that Carnelian had a "calming and pacifying effect," recommending its use in powdered or mixed forms for healing.

The ancient Greeks used Carnelian to treat nervous disorders, reduce fever, and strengthen teeth. During labor, it was advised to hold the stone in the mouth to ease childbirth pains. Carnelian necklaces were also worn to treat Graves' disease, sometimes proving more effective than amber.

Wearing a Carnelian necklace was believed to soothe anger, improve mood, and help with nervous breakdowns. When set in a ring, the stone was thought to calm heart palpitations. Applied to the eyelids, it was used to relieve headaches, stabilize intracranial pressure, and regulate low blood pressure.

Carnelian healing properties
Carnelian magic properties

Carnelian - Magical Properties

Many legends and superstitions surround Carnelian. In ancient times, people believed in its powerful magical properties and used it to craft amulets and talismans. In Pharaonic Egypt, Carnelian symbolized life and adorned the precious funerary pectoral of Tutankhamun. Various Carnelian artifacts were found in his tomb, including a snake’s head (to protect the Pharaoh from serpents in the afterlife) and heart-shaped pendants, representing the eternal soul.

The ancient Greeks carved Carnelian gemmas featuring images of Cupid and Psyche, believing them to be talismans of true love. According to legend, these gemmas could reveal the sincerity of one’s feelings—if the love was real, the stone would sparkle when gazed upon by the beloved.

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