The fifth Pentacle of the Sun serves to invoke those Spirits who can transport from one place unto another, over a long distance and in short time.
Along with this they can give sight into the past or future, giving lesser prophecy through the hazy mirror in dream and vision.
Names of Spirits appear on this seal in the mystical characters of the “Passing of the River” and the sign of a powerful spirit appears in the center.
The power of this seal is also held in Psalm 91: "He shall give His Angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways. They shall bear thee up in their hands."
Psalm 25 is a prayer of invocation.
This talisman will be hand-crafted AFTER the order is placed. No stocks are kept, and every talisman is created with the person who ordered it in mind.
Read more about "Made to order" processing.
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I purchased 4 King Solomon Talismans in April, and in the time-frame since, my entire Life has changed, rearranged, altered, and shifted; For what I would consider the Better The last 2 or so Months have been the hardest of my Life, yet despite All, I would also assert that I (with a >lot> of Help), have prevailed against everything Life has thrown my way The Outcome, as of Today; A Beautiful, Gorgeous, Healthy, place of Living - as well as plenty of Quality opportunity on the horizon for me to take head on I don't fear anything the Future has in store for me anymore; in fact, I welcome it, exactly the way it is intended to be for me This now makes more than 8 in total of the Complete Set of these Beautiful Talismans, created/produced from the most talented, thoughtful, considerate, kind, warm, and beyond all else; Wonderful Silversmith; in addition to being the only I have ever known or or gone to for things such as these I am Grateful; this is an Action word. I will proceed, in both Life, as well as the acquisition of these strikingly, life changing fine pieces of what I would consider many things - Simply one of them being (an) Art form of Beautiful Colors Could not possibly recommend this Silversmith or their works any higher. 11/10